"Rarely are we blessed with a man of his caliber – a gentleman, a doctor, a man of the people."
Grand Old Partisan memorializes Aris Allen, born in Texas, December 27th 1910. After an impoverished childhood, this hard-working youth was a porter, mechanic and clerk in Chicago for a decade. Next, while supporting himself as an elevator operator and security guard, he studied at Dunbar High School in the nation's capital. He went on to be class president at Howard University and graduate from Howard University Medical School.
Dr. Allen practiced in Annapolis and later was flight surgeon for the Air Force. He served on his county school board as well as the boards of a community college, a university and various professional and charitable groups. The Maryland Medical Association awarded him for outstanding achievements in medicine and civic affairs. He rose to be chief of staff at Anne Arundel General Hospital. He was a life member of the NAACP.
A life-long Republican, Dr. Allen won his first election to the state house in 1966 and was house minority whip for seven years. He chaired Maryland's delegation at the 1972 Republican National Convention. In 1977, the Maryland GOP central committee named him state chairman. He was the party's 1978 nominee for Lieutenant Governor. Appointed to a state senate vacancy in 1979, he resigned to become an advisor to the Health Care Financing Administration in the Reagan administration. As its secretary, he called the roll of states at the 1980 Republican National Convention.
Stricken with cancer, Dr. Allen died in 1991 after being elected once again state representative. An Annapolis park has a monument to the great man.
A man of honor... A distinguished career of professional and public service... As a Medical Doctor...As a member of the Maryland State Legislature... As an appointee of The President of the United States, to serve his Country on the National level... And as a caring person who has served his community in so many other ways... To help people in need... To provide opportunity for every citizen..." And to set an example that brings out the very best in us"
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Michael Zak is author of Back to Basics for the Republican Party, a history of GOP civil rights achievement.
Each day, Michael Zak's grandoldpartisan YouTube channel and Grand Old Partisan blog celebrate more than sixteen decades of Republican heroes and heroics. And, see Speech Raves for audience feedback from his presentations in thirty-one states.
He also wrote the 2005 Republican Freedom Calendar.
Clarence Thomas cited Back to Basics for the Republican Party in a Supreme Court decision.
See www.youtube.com/q?v=IzxKCiXc5Qc for a brief video of a Texas Republican praising Back to Basics for the Republican Party.
"This is the most amazing book about politics that I have ever read. The Overview should be required reading for anyone with even a minor interest in government. The remainder is an enthralling history lesson that I will never forget. For years, we have all been misled about the true nature of the GOP. This is the real deal! Read it and be proud!"
"Your book is a national treasure. I'm always recommending it."
"Michael Zak wrote the definitive history of the GOP."
"Back to Basics for the Republican Party is the most significant contribution to the Republican Party in the last twenty years apart from Ronald Reagan."
"Back to Basics for the Republican Party is more important to our party now than ever before."
"one of the best books I ever read"